reference leaks
He Leaks
He leaks are typically used as calibrators in mass
spectrometers leak detector.
We build new reference leaks with restrictions based in
permeation elements or crimped capillary.
The leak rate can be adjusted virtually for any value between
10-8 mbar L/s an 10-4 mbar L/s (± 20
We always include a valve for refilling and usually a gauge
for pressure control.
Fugas de outros gases
Reference leaks of other gases
We also build leaks with R134a ou R404 to test refrigerant
leak detectors or to define quality criteria.
Repairing and refilling
We can replace clogged or damaged restrictions in leaks with
or without reservoir.
Assembling leaks in production
We design and build leaks assembled in production parts for
quality control and testing validation. These leaks can
normally be fitted in any part, allowing monitoring the
process quality.
For a quotation, please contact us.